Blog redesign

I redesigned WePay’s blog to match their updated brand, updating blog images and creating new visuals to complement the refreshed layout. This overhaul resulted in a more visually appealing and cohesive user experience

Lead Designer

Branding, Illustration, UX

Figma, Photoshop

Updating an outdated blog

The blog was very outdated and was especially evident compared to the new WePay website branding. The goal was to improve the blog by updating it to match the new brand and website style. By updating the visual design experience it would set the foundation to improve SEO and increase visits to the blog.

WePay brand

WePay is the integrated payments business of JPMorgan Chase. They provide payments infrastructure for independent software vendors (ISVs) and software platforms to ensure small businesses get paid quickly and easily. The brand sought to strike a balance between the safety and security associated with a bank while embracing the innovative and approachable essence of the fintech industry.

The brand's signature colors, blue and green, have been a consistent presence throughout the company's evolution offering a sense of continuity and familiarity. I brought the blog website in line with the modern and clean aesthetic of the WePay website by incorporating the brand's signature colors, new UI elements, new images, and type styling.

Usability improvements

  1. Better “homepage” experience

    I sought to elevate the initial user experience upon entering the blog site, by moving away from the immediate display of a grid filled with miscellaneous blog articles. Having a better initial experience would help users find and explore articles more efficiently. I also wanted a way to highlight articles the Marketing team wanted to promote.

  2. Useful categories

    The blog attempted to organize articles using category tags, but due to limited article diversity, this resulted in many articles sharing the same tags. This led to the categories becoming less useful for users to explore relevant articles. In addition, identifying the category being viewed was tricky because the navigation didn’t clearly highlight each section.

  3. Article readability

    In addition to refreshing the type style to match the new brand, I wanted to improve the readability of the articles to help users scan and read more efficiently.

New blog

Blog home

Blog Article

Blog hero illustration

Illustration exploration

New blog article images

Blog marketing opportunities

New blog images were used in social ads and marketing campaigns


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